2023年2月4日 — So I am in search of a VR treadmill that can be used to test VR games made with the Unity game engine. The usage is purely for academic ...
Experience full freedom of movement in VR with the Omni, the first omni-directional treadmill that lets players walk and run in 360 degrees inside video ...
The Omni Pro Software Development Kit (Omni Pro SDK) is the development gateway to full-body VR experiences with the Omni Pro. Request our SDKs for Unity and ...
2019年7月11日 — Omni Virtuix Setup · 1. Download the Unity SDK sent by the developers. · 2. Create a new Unity Project and drag the OmniSDK_v2. · 3. In your Scene, ...
2016年6月9日 — Hello, Is there a way to use an omni virtuix with unity ? there are a special asset? I already have an HTC Vive and I want create a totally ...